4 Tips for Hassle-Free Recruitment

Two executives interviewing an applicant

Just like marketing and administration, recruiting is an essential part of running and growing your company. But no one enjoys digging through a pile of job applications to find the right candidates to interview. It’s time-consuming and costly. Yet you still need to fill job openings in your company.

So, how do you make the hiring process easier and more efficient? PeopleReady has some suggestions.

Let a staffing agency handle it

Finding a reputable staffing agency to help with the recruitment process is a smart, cost-effective way to find the right candidates. Whether you’re looking for plumbers or you want to fill a position at the executive level, the right agency knows where to locate the best people in the industry.

Write better job descriptions

Be specific when describing the position you want to fill. Focus on the important daily responsibilities of the role. Don’t use such sketchy words as “passionate” and “responsible”. The appropriate candidate already has those qualities. Instead, show the value of the job and which departments of the organization it will support.

Use video interviews

If you’ve interviewed candidates before, then you are familiar with how things go. A candidate walks in and after three minutes you can already tell that they are or they are not the individual you are looking for. Yet you need to continue the interview so you don’t look rude. Avoid this by conducting video interviews instead. This helps save everyone time.

Indicate the salary range

Many candidates decide whether to apply for a position or not based on the salary range you’re offering. Rather than let them guess how much you will pay and send applications only to turn down your offer later, indicate the salary early enough.

How and who you recruit can make a big difference. Creating a quick and efficient recruitment process will help you attract the right talent and give everyone a wonderful experience.

About Sarah Bennett 433 Articles
Sarah is a highly experienced legal advisor and freelance writer. She specializes in assisting tech companies with the complexities of the law and providing useful information to the public through her writing.